(Paper Back) Published July 2020 by Melliodora
Linda Woodrow, best selling author of The Permaculture Home Garden, tells a tale of disaster, resilience and survival in her book 470.
As world climate scientists tell us more about baked in climate, This book is talking about what life will be in this climate change
Talking about the future in 2030s, as the world spirals into ecological and economic meltdown problems, where three generations of an Australian family try find a way to each other, and then a way to survive and make a good life.
Book information
ISBN 10: 9780648344247
Publisher: Melliodora
Pub date: July 2020
Language: English
Number of pages: 271 Pages
Weight: 0.3 Kg
Dimensions: 21 x 15 x 1.5 cm
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