What is Permaculture and how it works?


We all want to create ways of living that are environmentally sustainable. Permaculture is the concept born out of this desire. I’ve noticed that a lot of people have heard about this term, but don’t really know what is permaculture?

Permaculture has been around since the 70s when it was developed in Australia by Bill Mollison.

In this article, we’re going to explore permaculture, look at its benefits, tools you can use in your own life to create a more sustainable way of living.

Permaculture, Energy and economy

Permaculture is a design system that covers all areas such as architecture, agriculture, energy and economy. It is based on the principles of nature and the observation of the relationships between natural ecosystems. Permaculture aims to create human systems based on these relationships, which will be self-sufficient in terms of food production and energy.

Permaculture, when applied to agriculture, creates a system in which all elements are interrelated and mutually supportive. In this way, it can be said that permaculture is a kind of polyculture since different species are grown simultaneously in a sustainable manner.

The main goal of permaculture is to create closed systems that are not dependent on external inputs such as fertilizers or pesticides. According to permaculture experts, this goal can only be achieved by observing natural systems closely and applying them to human systems.

In addition to its ecological aspects, permaculture deals with social issues such as poverty and the rights of indigenous people.

Permaculture Garden design and establishment

Permaculture is an approach to designing human settlements and agricultural systems that mimic the relationships found in natural ecologies this is why it  is a sustainable land using design. This is based on ecological and bio-dynamic principles.

Permaculture aims to create a stable and productive system that meets human needs, harmoniously integrating the land with its inhabitants. Plants, animals, their nutrition cycle, climate factors, ecological processes of weather cycles are all part of the picture. In permaculture all inhabitants’ needs are met by using proven technology for food, energy, shelter and infrastructure. Elements in the system are tied in relation to other elements, and the output of one element is the input of another.

Permaculture Basic principles

We observe and interact – By taking time to engage with nature we can design solutions that suit our particular situation. Acquire and store energy by developing a system that collects abundant resources, we can use them in times of need.

Here are some of the Permaculture basic principles:

  • Obtaining yields is one of the main goal ensuring we are working with our nature not against it.

  • Applying self-regulations and accepting feedbacks as we need to discourage nonethical activities to ensure our systems can continue to function well.

  • Use and value various types of renewable resources and services.

  • Make the best use of our nature`s abundance to reduce the actual society’s consumption patterns and the reliance on non-renewable resources.

  • No waste production By valuing and making use of all the resources that we have at our disposal.

Permaculture ethics

1. Earth Care – We must respect the Earth and strive to protect it. This is the foundation for all other principles.

2. People Care – We must respect people and strive to meet their needs.

3. Fair Share – We must be fair in all our dealings and not take more than our share.

Elements in Permaculture design

There are many design elements in permaculture systems, from the landscape to the house, the people, living organisms that inhabit the place. This can become overwhelming if you’re new to permaculture, but by breaking it all down into simple parts, we can begin to understand how it all fits together.

Below is an overview of some of the most important design elements in permaculture:

Components: These are the physical elements that make up your design, such as insects, plants and animals.

Functions: Functions describe what a component does or should do in the system. For example, a plant might serve several functions such as providing food or medicine, providing shade or habitat for wildlife, or improving soil structure.

Interactions: Interactions describe how components behave with one another, either directly or indirectly. It includes everything from pollination and nutrient cycling to relationships between members of your community. It describes what happens with any given component is added or removed from the system.

Elements: Elements are simply components grouped together based on their function or purpose. There may be elements that comprise your entire design such as a water-harvesting system, waterways, zones, sectors, aquaculture system, forest garden system.


Permaculture is a design and living process to create a sustainable future with minimal resources. It is the ability to have a natural garden without the backbreaking labor. This way we can feed ourselves cheaper, cleaner and healthier, produce more than the grocery store. Along with growing plants for food and filtering water, permaculture also means using more efficient methods of building homes, energy sources, recycling human waste and much more. permaculture is a beautiful way to live in synergy with our earth rather than in disharmony.

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